At Hirecracker we are always championing the employer brand of our clients, because we know how important it is to ensure we match our candidates with job opportunities they’ll love and companies they will thrive within. As an agency that operates across multiple industry sectors and recruitment specialisms, we work with a wide variety of clients, some who are already actively managing their employer brand and others who are yet to discover what their authentic employer brand actually is! To help each and every one of these clients to increase their ability to attract and engage candidates, and support our consultants’ hiring campaigns we are including a branded careers hub free of charge to all Hirecracker clients, powered by our sister brand JobHoller! We’ve rounded up 7 ways that the careers hub can assist with your hiring strategy – keep on reading to learn more.
What a branded careers hub can do for your organisation:
Provide a careers platform if you don’t have a dedicated careers page / website already
Surprisingly there are a lot of organisations that do not have a careers section on their website, so when it comes to targeting candidates towards a page to learn about your environment, culture and your team it can be a struggle when all of your website content is aimed at the customer. This can also mean that you are unable to post live job vacancies and opportunities which makes it extremely difficult for a candidate to know you are hiring. For other organisations the difficulties may lie within the updating of website content. If this is controlled by an external agency you may be limited in the changes you are able to make in order to keep this content fresh and relevant. The branded careers hub solves both of these problems, providing a fully mobile optimised, branded and dynamic platform for you to keep candidates engaged throughout your hiring period, and beyond! You can choose to keep hold of your branded careers hub for a small hosting fee once Hirecracker has successfully placed your live vacancy, and link to this from your main website as a permanent hub to engage candidates and host your future vacancies too.

Gives an opportunity to tailor content towards a specific niche away from your main careers site
If you already have a careers section to your website, or even a dedicated careers site you can still benefit from the use of our free branded careers hub. The reason why is because this hub can be tailored 100% to the role you are hiring for. We can use insights from our client discovery dive to persona map for the candidates you want to attract. Understanding the demographic we are aiming to connect with, what EVP’s are most important to these candidates and ensuring we highlight relevant matching EVP’s that your company offers, and ensuring the imagery and content is relevant to that specific role. For example if you are a large retailer who is looking to hire a marketing executive for your head office you wouldn’t want the candidate to have to search through tons of content around your sales / manufacturing departments before they are able to discover any employer brand content that is relevant to them? The careers hub allows you to tailor the content without compromising your existing careers platform, which can help increase conversion and application rates from candidates who visit the page off the back of a campaign or recruiter introduction.
Create branded job adverts that are optimised for Google jobs and sponsored Indeed campaigns
The branded careers hub has a dedicated job portal which allows you to post unlimited job adverts that are branded and highlight your company perks and benefits too. The functionality was built by JobHoller’s in-house developers to allow for Google jobs integration, and the adverts can also be used to enable branded sponsored Indeed visibility too. For the vacancy Hirecracker is working on for your company, an expert recruiter will also write your job advert on your behalf too, ensuring it’s formatted in the best way to optimise for search, ensuring it sells all of the amazing things about your brand and the opportunity, and making sure it clearly communicates the skills and experience needed from the candidate too.

It allows you to showcase your perks, culture and people
Companies that fail to communicate their employer brand clearly can fall into two recruitment traps. The first being that they don’t attract enough candidates because the lack of information can cause a candidate question whether they would want to work for you, or even mean that a candidate never even knows you exist! The second being that too many candidates apply to your vacancy and you find that many of these candidates step away after spending time on phone calls, video and face-to-face interviews after concluding that your proposition isn’t quite right for them. Both are instances we want our clients to avoid! The careers hub acts as a digital shop window for your employer brand, allowing you to feature content that showcases your culture and environment, highlighting your true benefits package, sharing insights from your team and demonstrating exactly what a candidate would expect from joining your organisation.
Seamless content integration with a live social and “Instawall”
You can ensure your careers hub is constantly up to date as it integrates with your social channels and updates every time you post! The social wall integrates with your Twitter account and Facebook page, and there is also the ability to connect a company Instagram account too with an optional hashtag filter that allows you to select exactly what content is shown on here. This is particularly useful for organisations that use a single account for both their corporate and employer brands and want to ensure the content hey display is relevant to the candidate.

Enhance the candidate experience through an integrated ATS
While Hirecracker will of course manage every aspect of the candidate experience for the vacancy they are working on for you, there is also an option for you to enhance the candidate experience for any direct applications through the integrated ATS (applicant tracking system). The ATS has the ability to build out numerous candidate journeys, 100% bespoke to your own organisation’s hiring workflow, and build out email automation templates that deliver personalised updates for your candidates and colleagues with the click of a button. Any applicant who applies directly through the careers hub will automatically sit in the ATS dashboard, and you have the option to upload candidates from other sources and even integrate with recruitment agencies like ourselves too. If you’ve ever had to deal with the awkward candidate ownership dispute when an agency sends a candidate you’ve already been sent then this can eliminate that headache altogether, as the system will block the upload of any candidates already within your ATS. There’s a whole raft of functionality in here, so if you want to know more please get in touch with one of our colleagues at JobHoller at [email protected] / 01244 739 350.
Opportunity to grow your talent pool
A strong hiring strategy never sleeps, and constantly works to attract and engage potential candidates whether they have a live requirement or not. The talent pool functionality on the careers hub allows you to capture candidate details from people who like your company and are aligned with your culture, allowing you to keep these candidates engaged through tailored marketing content or catch ups until you have an opportunity that is suitable for them. A talent pool approach to hiring can save you time and money on your future recruitment drives, so why not get started today!
If you’d like to know more about our free branded careers hub you can visit our website here.