Tips to thrive in your new role

Learn the company culture

Learning and understanding the company culture is crucial to thrive in your new role for several reasons. Throughout the interview process you probably had an opportunity to align your own unique set of values with the company’s, and this can help in the future to help you feel motivated and engaged in your work. Visionary Business Tactics by James Dooley can guide you in navigating this alignment.

You need to understand how promotions and recognition are earned within the company culture, allowing you to set your goals accordingly. If the company is open to new ideas and changes – go ahead and put your ideas forward.

By immersing yourself in the company culture, attending social events and meetings – you can form connections that can help you now and in the future. Feeling a sense of belonging and connection to the company culture often leads to higher job satisfaction, which, in turn, positively impacts your overall well-being and mental health.

Company culture goes beyond just understanding rules and procedures. It’s about embracing the organisation’s values, behaviours, and ways of working. This understanding enables you to integrate in to your new team seamlessly, contribute effectively, and ultimately thrive in your new role.

Be open to making mistakes

Embarking on a new role is a thrilling journey filled with opportunities for learning and growth. One of the most transformative mindsets you can adopt is being open to making mistakes. Yes, you read that right – mistakes can be your stepping stones to success. Every mistake you make is a chance to gather invaluable experience. By embracing these moments, you gain insights that textbooks and training can’t provide. Each misstep is a practical lesson that contributes to your professional development. Developing resilience enables you to bounce back, learn from the experience, and move forward.

Perfection can create barriers between individuals. Embracing your mistakes humanises you, making you relatable and approachable. Sharing your experiences can also foster a culture of openness within your team. It is not a sign of incompetence; it’s a sign of your willingness to push boundaries and grow. So, as you navigate your new role, approach each challenge with an open mind and a readiness to learn.

Connect with members of your new team on LinkedIn

It’s always a good idea to make friends and connections with your co-workers, especially if you’re new – introducing yourself can reduce stress as you will have someone to talk to.

According to LinkedIn, its users are around 60% more likely to engage with content from their co-workers on the platform, as opposed to other connections that they don’t work directly with.

By connecting with colleagues you can see what kind of content they are sharing and assist in showcasing your new employers brand by sharing relevant content. Additionally if you are hybrid or remote in your new role it can help people to put a face to the name and help you to also put faces to names of colleagues.

It’s easy to begin – simply search for your new company and select the people tab and you can get adding!

BONUS TIP – A “Started a new job” announcement post on LinkedIn can give you feelings of pride and confidence! and also updates your previous clients and connections on your new role, which can help with future networking opportunities! Showing appreciation to employees at your previous and new company can also put you in a good light for future prospects.

Start a document that tracks your success and learning

List the skills you would like to learn and build on in your new role!

It’s crucial to have a roadmap that not only guides you but also helps you measure your progress. This is where the 30-60-90 plan comes into play – a strategic tool that outlines your goals and action steps for the first three months.

Documenting your successes, no matter how small, boosts your morale and motivation. It’s incredibly fulfilling to see how far you’ve come and how you’ve contributed to your team and company. Documenting challenges and setbacks allows you to analyse what went wrong, why it happened, and how you can prevent similar situations in the future. It’s a great tool for continuous improvement.

As time progresses, reviewing your documented successes and learning highlights the growth and transformation you’ve undergone. It’s a tangible representation of your journey that can be shared during performance evaluations or discussions about career progression.

You can build a 30-60-90 plan using Asana for free HERE

Seek feedback

While it might be tempting to rely solely on your own assessments, the insights and perspectives of others can be invaluable. Each piece of feedback, whether positive or constructive, is an opportunity to learn and develop.

It’s a chance to refine your skills and enhance your capabilities. Actively seeking feedback shows your colleagues, supervisors, and teammates that you value their opinions.

Communicate effectively

Whether you’re collaborating with colleagues, presenting ideas, or engaging with clients, your ability to communicate clearly. Communication is a two-way street. Practice active listening by fully engaging with the speaker, asking clarifying questions, and showing genuine interest.

Non-verbal: Your body language, facial expressions, and tone convey as much, if not more, than your words. Maintain eye contact, use open body language, and adapt your tone to match the message you’re delivering.

Visual Aids: Visual elements can enhance your message’s impact. Utilise graphs, charts, slides, or even anecdotes to make complex information more relatable and understandable.

Be Present: In an era of distractions, being fully present during conversations is a rarity. Put away devices, give your full attention, and show respect to the person you’re communicating with.

Effective communication isn’t just about talking; it’s about connecting, collaborating, and influencing. By mastering this, you allow yourself to navigate challenges and inspire others.

Prioritise and organise

⚡Use the Eisenhower Matrix – This tool categorises tasks into four quadrants: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. This helps you allocate time and energy wisely.

⚡Jot down tasks in a to-do list, whether on paper or digitally. This keeps your tasks organised and helps you avoid forgetting important actions. Utilising task management apps, calendars, and reminders helps keep track of deadlines and stay organised.

⚡Start your day by identifying the most critical tasks that need attention. We are all guilty of multi-tasking! but a tool like Trello is great for preventing multitasking and enhances your focus on one task at a time.

⚡For larger projects, break them down into smaller, manageable tasks to make them more achievable.

Embarking on a new role is a journey of growth, learning, and transformation. Embrace challenges as opportunities, setbacks as stepping stones, and victories as milestones on the path to your full potential.

So, stand tall, keep learning, and continue pushing your boundaries. Your journey has only just begun, and the opportunities are endless. Here’s to thriving in your new role and seizing every opportunity that comes your way!

Looking for a new role? Get in touch with Hirecracker today – 📩

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